
European Patent Office: No European qualifying examination (EQE) in 2020

According to the Supervisory Board of the EQE, there is no European qualifying examination (pre-examination or main examination) going to be held in 2020.

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WIPO: China becomes top applicant for international patent applications in 2019

In 2019, the top five filers of PCT applications were China, the U.S., Japan, Germany and the Republic of Korea. This emerges from a recent publication by WIPO. China, with an increase of 10.6%, is thus displacing the U.S. from first place, while Germany records a decline of 2%. Regarding technical fields, computer technology and digital communication account for the largest share of published PCT applications.

If you need further information, send an email to or make an appointment for consultation.

The Federal Constitutional Court decides on UPC

In its order of 13 February 2020, the Federal Constitutional Court ruled that the Act of Approval to the Agreement on a Unified Patent Court, which is intended to transfer sovereign rights to the Unified Patent Court, is null and void.

If you need further information, send an email to or make an appointment for consultation.